The Global Forum for



Advancing Fair and Ethical Recruitment for All


20-21 MAY 2025


Join the leading forum for accelerating fair, ethical, and responsible recruitment of migrant workers.

The Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment (GFRR) is a two-day event that brings together businesses, civil society, trade unions, government, and academia to discuss the global agenda on responsible recruitment.

The transformative use of data and technology will be a major focus at this year's Global Forum.

The Global Data Partnership Against Forced Labour was launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos (Jan 2025). It aims to transform data-sharing between governments, businesses, civil society, trade unions, and intergovernmental organisations to build strong evidence on the prevalence, root causes, and key solutions to combat forced labour.

Initial data already highlights a strong correlation between poor recruitment practices and the risk of forced labour worldwide.

GFRR2025 will build on this momentum to explore how increased and better use of data can deliver greater utility at executive and operational level.

In particular, discussions will focus on how different datasets from a variety of stakeholders, many of which are extensive, but often siloed, can be brought together and leveraged to drive systemic change in recruitment practice.


The 2025 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment will take place in Bangkok and online.
The Forum is free to attend, but registration is essential.

Please note:

  • All sessions will be live-streamed online.
  • The Forum is free to attend.
  • IHRB will not cover the costs of travel.

Please note: The GFRR is convened by The Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB). Screenshots and session recordings will be taken during this event, and your image may be captured and used for the organisers' promotional purposes both online and in print. By registering, you are permitting IHRB your consent to use your image for such purposes. The organisers reserve the right to contact you in relation to this event and related IHRB opportunities. If you prefer to opt-out of such communications, please email Data submitted is managed by the Institute for Human Rights and Business. (For details please read IHRB’s privacy policy).



Taking stock and nurturing ideas to achieve better recruitment regulation and practices and eradicate worker-paid recruitment fees.


A global ecosystem that inspires and enables uptake of improved recruitment commitments, practices, and outcomes.


Connecting global and diverse organisations and their ecosystems to accelerate progress around our shared mission.


Amplifying expertise to scale uptake and empower all to shape a sustainable recruitment industry.


The two days of GFRR 2024 brought together experts and practitioners to tackle the challenges and solutions for protecting migrant workers. The 2024 Forum focused on presenting concrete tools for responsible recruitment, protecting the rights of women migrant workers, and the recruitment challenges in key migration corridors


GFRR 2025 speakers will be announced soon.


Founder and Director,
Our Journey


Clifford Chance


Social Innovation & Human Rights Manager, Vinci


Chair, Stronger Together and the Association of Labour Providers


Executive Director,


Chief Commercial Officer,


Discover the organisations who have collaborated with IHRB to produce the webinars, presentations, and on-demand sessions for the forum’s past editions.

Meet the stakeholders and actors, convening to discuss challenges and collaborative actions needed to advance the responsible recruitment of migrant workers around the world.

No worker should pay for a job — the costs of recruitment should be borne not by the worker but by the employer.


Hosted by IHRB, the ILO, and IOM, the 2021 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment took place from 12-15 April 2021. The GFRR 2021 spanned four days, convening 16 discussions. To capture some key takeaways from each session, we invited colleagues from across the ecosystem to record and share their reflections on the discussion.

Hosted exclusively online by IHRB, the 2022 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment took place from 1 – 3 November. The GFRR 2022 presented eight live sessions plus 16 recordings viewed by more than 1,600 participants. Access all sessions and materials now available on IHRB’s YouTube channel.

Hosted in person and online by IHRB in partnership with AIM-Progress, the 2023 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment took place from 13 to 14 June in New York City. The GFRR 2023 live-streamed 15 sessions that were viewed more than 4,000 times by participants around the world. Access all sessions and materials now available on IHRB’s YouTube channel.

Hosted in person and online by IHRB in partnership with AIM-Progress and Stronger Together, the 2024 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment took place from 25 to 26 June in London, UK. The GFRR 2024 live-streamed 17 sessions that were viewed by participants around the world. Access all sessions and materials now available on IHRB’s YouTube channel.


GFRR is hosted by the Institute for Human Rights and Business.

About IHRB and Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment

The Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) is a think tank that works to make human rights part of everyday business by shaping policy, advancing practice, and strengthening accountability across all business sectors. The IHRB Migrant Workers Programme developed the Dhaka Principles for Migration with Dignity to provide a clear framework for understanding and addressing the challenges faced by migrant workers in all sectors and locations throughout the migration cycle.

Over the last few years, Responsible Recruitment of migrant workers has featured strongly on the radar of business and governments. Since 2016, the IHRB’s Leadership Group for Responsible Recruitment (LGRR) has played a significant role in highlighting the issue of responsible recruitment and is one of the leading initiatives working towards the eradication of worker-paid recruitment fees. The Group consists of 16 international brands supported by three civil society organisations, and the ILO and IOM, who use their collective leverage to promote safe and responsible recruitment practices globally. A key premise upon which the Group is founded, ‘The Employer Pays Principle’ – No worker should pay for a job, the costs of recruitment should be borne, not by the worker but by the employer – is now widely referenced by business, governments, trade unions, civil society, and international organisations.

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The 2025 Global Forum for Responsible Recruitment is hosted and produced by the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB).
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